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Welcome to the ASP Conference 2016 in Tampa. This site will host complete information about the conference. Select from the tabs and check back often!
Beth Gaillard, Ph.D.,
Past President, American Society for Photobiology (ASP) Chair and Organizer, ASP 2016 Biannual Meeting
Georg T. Wondrak, Ph.D.,
President Elect, American Society for Photobiology (ASP) Member, Organizing Committee, ASP 2016 Biannual Meeting
Tampa 2016 Organizing Committee
(current ASP members)
Prithwiraj Maitra (Johnson and Johnson)
Alec Greer (Brooklyn College)
Georg Wondrak (University of Arizona)
Kim Samkoe (Dartmouth)
Jon Lovell (University of Buffalo)
Huang-Chiao (Joe) Huang (Massachusetts General Hospital) and Ashwini Ghogare (Brooklyn College)
(Associate Councilors)
Dave Sliney (Consulting Medical Physicist)
Frank Gasparro (Hamden Hall Country Day School)
Yu-Ying He (University of Chicago)
Bob Blankenship (Washington University in St. Louis)
Al Girotti (Medical College of Wisconsin)
Don Forbes (Toxarus, Inc.)
JoAnna Turner (University of Southern Queensland)

Come join us in Tampa