Welcome to the ASP Conference 2018 in Tampa. This site will host complete information about the conference.
Date and Place: May 12-15, 2018, at the Tampa Marriott Waterside Hotel & Marina, a breathtaking venue with all state of the art accommodations ensuring an enjoyable and productive meeting.
Visit the
Location tab to read all about Tampa Bay, a vibrant region that takes pride in its rich, cultural heritage.
This meeting will feature, among other highlights:
Keynote lectures by:
Wolfgang Gaertner (Leipzig, Germany; Sunday, May 13)
Tayyaba Hasan [Boston, USA; Monday, May 14)
Rutao Cui (Boston, USA; Tuesday, May 15)
Celebratory symposium: '55 Years Photochemistry and Photobiology’ - Jean Cadet & Irene Kochevar (co-chairs; Monday, May 14).
Confirmed speakers: Ana Moore (Tempe, USA), Jim Cleaver (San Francisco, USA), Gonzalo Cosa (Montreal, Canada), David Kessel (Detroit, USA), John Spudich (Houston, USA)
ASP-ESP joint symposium: 'Cutaneous DNA damage: new insights and approaches from translational human studies' - Lesley Rhodes, Manchester, UK and Marcus Cooke, Miami, USA (co-chairs; Monday, May 14)
Confirmed speakers: Marcus Cooke (Miami, USA), Thierry Douki (Grenoble, France), Patrick Rochette (Quebec, Canada), Mike Kemp (Ohio, USA), Lesley Rhodes (Manchester, UK)
ASP 2018 Photomedicine Symposia (Keith Cengel & Theresa Busch, University of Pennsylvania, PA; co-organizers):
'Photodynamic mechanisms in cancer: resistance and combinatorial approaches' (Sunday, May 13; chair: Imran Rizvi, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA)
'Theranostics and Beyond: Targeting and Tailoring PDT’ (Monday, May 14; chair: Luis Arnaut, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal)
'PDT: Personalization and Optimization’ (Monday, May14; chair: Bryan Spring, Northeastern University, Boston, MA)
'New Insights in Vascular and Immune Response to PDT’ (Tuesday, May 15; chair: Arjan Griffioen, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Special sessions that include:
'ASP Special Session - Photobiological Research Frontiers: An African Perspective'; (Caradee Wright, South Africa & Bic Martincigh, South Africa; co-chairs; May 13)
'ASP Special Session - Organic and Inorganic Photochemistry of Functional Materials: A Panamerican Perspective' (Alec Greer & Lisa Kelly, USA; co-chairs)
'ASP Special Session - Direct and Sensitized Photochemistry in Biological Molecules' (Carlos Crespo, USA & Andrés Thomas, Argentina; co-chairs; May 13)
'Structure, Dynamics, and Applications of Photoreceptors' (Xiaojing Yang, USA & Wolfgang Gaertner, Germany; co-chairs; May 14)
'Protein Photo-oxidation: Mechanisms and Biological Consequences' (Mike Davies, Denmark & Christian Schoeneich, USA; co-chairs; May 13)
'Frontiers in Melanin Research: From Photoexcitation to Physiology and Pathology' (Tadeusz Sarna, Poland, chair; May 15)
'Frontiers in Nucleic acid Photochemistry and Photobiology' (Thierry Douki, France & John-Stephen Taylor, USA; co-chairs; May 13)
'Emerging Photodynamic Compounds for Targeting Cancer and Infection' (Sherri McFarland, USA + Edith (Phoebe) Glazer, USA; co-chairs; May 14)
'UVA and Beyond: Frontiers in Photodamage and Photoprotection' (Eduardo Ruvolo, Bayer, USA, Iltefat Hamzavi, USA; co-chairs; May 15)
'The Skin Exposome: From Environmental Exposure to Biological Response' (Ariane Dimitrov, L'OREAL, France & Georg Wondrak, USA; co-chairs; May 15)
'ASP Associate Member Scientific Symposium' (chaired by the winners of the 2017 online symposium: Michael Pigula, Harvard Medical School & Regina DiScipio, Case Western Reserve University; May 13)
Other confirmed session chairs:
Thierry Douki, John-Stephen Taylor, Beth Gaillard, Patrick Rochette, Keith Cengel, Theresa Busch, Imran Rizvi, Jonathan Lovell, Jin Xie, Yu-Ying He, Mike Davies, Christian Schoeneich, Sherri McFarland, Edith (Phoebe) Glazer, Tadeusz Sarna, Xiaojing Yang, Wolfgang Gaertner, Frank Gasparro, Giorgia Miolo.
We are also moving forward planning other popular events such as the ASP Associate Member pizza party, career development workshops, industry exhibits and presentations etc.
Abstract submission is now open (deadline April 2, 2018). Accepted abstracts will be published in a supplemental issue of 'Photochemistry and Photobiology’.

Come join us in Tampa
IMPRESSIONS & PEOPLE: 38th Meeting of ASP, Tampa Bay, Florida, May 21–26, 2016
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