Online Registration Form
Preregistration Deadline: 24 August 2022
In case of technical difficulties with this registration page email the webmaster.
For all other registration questions contact at
Online registration is closed. Please register on site at the meeting. Thank you.
Federal Tax ID: 23-7179512
Cancellation/Substitution Policy: Substitutions of meeting participants may be made at any time without penalty. All conference cancellations must be in writing and must reach the ASP Office by August 24 to receive a refund. You may switch from In-Person to Online participation with no penalty, up until August 24, 2022; if you decide to do this you will be refunded the difference between the in-person and online registration rate. All refunds will be issued after the meeting minus a 20% processing fee. Refunds will not be issued to no-shows. In the event of a meeting cancellation or reschedule, we will not be held responsible or liable for other costs, charges, and/or expenses, including such things as cancellation/change charges which might be assessed by hotels, airlines or travel agencies.