American Society for Photobiology

ASP 2018 Biennial Meeting: 12-15 May 2018
Tampa Marriott Waterside Hotel & Marina

Poster Guidelines

Poster authors must be available at their poster during their session's Question & Answer period. Posters should be set up between 3-5 pm on Saturday. You should plan be at your poster from 5-6 pm on Saturday and again on Monday between 6-8 pm. Posters should be removed by 8:30 pm on Monday.

Poster Size

Poster mounting boards vary with location and stand approximately 30 inches off the floor. Posters must fit within the allotted space of 4’x4’ and should be NO LARGER than 42”x42”.There will be several feet of space between rows of poster boards. In general, two (2) posters will be mounted on each side of the board.
Be prepared with your own material (push pins and velcro) to secure items to the boards.

Poster Presentation

The following guidelines may prove helpful in the preparation of your poster.

Tips for creating a great poster


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